In 1966, the society started out as St. Peter's Choral Group.
After Pinafore (1967), the name changed to St. Peter's Choral Society.
In 1992, the name changed to The Scarborough Gilbert & Sullivan Society.
How to read this list: First is the year of a society production, followed by the G&S operetta in production by the society,
followed by how many production seasons per operetta (Roman numeral), possibly followed by a historical note (in brackets),
followed by name of society president (except for first two years), followed by sequential numbering of presidents (thus 23 to
date). Performances are grouped by venue (i.e. where performed).
Operetta names are abbreviated to single words (e.g. Trial for Trial by
St. Peter's Choral Group
Venue: St. Peter's Anglican Church
1966 Trial I (First performed in 1875)
1967 Pinafore I (First performed in 1878)
St. Peter's Choral Society
Venue: St. Peter's Anglican Church
1968 Mikado I (First performed in 1885), Dave Nicholl 1
1969 Pirates I (First performed in 1879), Gladys Algar 2
1970 Gondoliers I (First performed in 1889), Gladys Algar 2
1971 Iolanthe I (First performed in 1882), Gladys Algar 2
1972 Yeomen I (First performed in 1888), Bill Bates 3
1973 Trial II & Pinafore II, Gladys Algar 2
1974 Mikado II, Jack Jeffery 4
1975 Ruddigore I (First performed in 1887), Dick Sircom 5
Venue: David & Mary Thomson Collegiate
1976 Gondoliers II, Bill Bates 3
1977 Pirates II, Jack DeGroot 6
1978 Yeomen II, Verne Hill 7
1979 Iolanthe II, Jack DeGroot 6
1980 Trial III & Pinafore III, Cliff Marsh 8
1981 Mikado III, Doug Smith 9
1982 Ruddigore II, Sheila Snelgrove 10
Venue: Sir Wilfred Laurier Collegiate
1983 Gondoliers III, Jack Jeffery 4
1984 Pirates III, Ian Mann 11
1985 Ida I (First performed in 1884), Carol Hipson 12
1986 Yeomen III, Mary McCrossan 13
1987 Iolanthe III, Clarke Pickett 14
1988 Trial IV & Pinafore IV, Gerry Luyckx 15
1989 Gondoliers IV, Gerry Luyckx 15
Venue: David & Mary Thomson Collegiate
1990 Mikado IV (Society's 25th Anniversary), Jack DeGroot 6
1991 Pirates IV, Colin MacPhee 16
1992 Patience I (First performed in 1881), Colin MacPhee 16
Scarborough G&S Society (formerly St. Peter's)
Venue: David & Mary Thomson Collegiate
1993 Ruddigore III, Colin MacPhee 16
1994 Iolanthe IV, Colin MacPhee 16
1995 Gondoliers V, Felix de Wal 17
1996 Trial V & Pinafore V, Felix de Wal 17
1997 Yeomen IV, Brian Farrow 18
1998 Pirates V, Kerry Johnson 19, Brian Farrow 18 (half season each)
1999 Mikado V, Randy Bentley 20
2000 Iolanthe V, Randy Bentley 20
Venue: Iondale Heights United Church*
*Temporary venue because of a support staff strike
at the Toronto District School Board
2001 Gondoliers VI, Bruce Hodgson 21
Venue: David & Mary Thomson Collegiate
2002 Ruddigore IV, Bruce Hodgson 21
2003 Pinafore VI, Bruce Hodgson 21, Mary Austin 22
2004 Sorcerer I (First performed in 1877), Max Craddock 23
2005 Pirates VI, Max Craddock 23
2006 Yeomen V, Max Craddock 23
2007 Mikado VI, Max Craddock 23
2008 Iolanthe VI, Max Craddock 23
Venue: Jubilee United Church
2009 Trial VI, Max Craddock 23